Art and Design BTEC
Course Overview
The BTEC Art course is a natural progression GCSE, with each year comprising two units: a portfolio of work set by the teacher, and a starting point set by the exam board. You will learn a range of new skills and develop those already learned during GCSE. You will be expected to work independently both in the classroom and at home, and will need to keep on top of a heavy workload.
What Will I Learn?
The course encourages you to study other artists and designers, learning to analyze and critique their work and apply their and ideas to your own. Art history and contextual studies are key parts of the course.
How Will I Be Assessed?
You will receive regular feedback through homework and coursework tasks, as well as group and individual tutorials.
Entry Requirements
Studying Art & Design at GCSE is beneficial, but students can submit a portfolio of work if they have not taken it at GCSE.
Progression Opportunities
Careers may include Graphic Design, Fine Art, Architecture, Interior Design, Animation, and more. Many students go on to complete a National Diploma in Foundation Studies in Art before a degree.