At John Henry Newman Catholic College, we embrace a shared journey of faith, fostering meaningful connections with God and one another as we seek to fulfill the ‘definite service’ He has entrusted to each of us.

Our Prayer
Dear Jesus,
Help me to spread Your fragrance everywhere I go.
Shine through me, and be with me,
So that every soul I meet may feel Your presence in my soul.
You have given me a unique mission, a role only I can fulfill.
I am a link in a chain, a light
The light, O Jesus, will be all from You; none of it will be mine.
Let me speak of You without words,
preaching through my actions alone.
You created me for a purpose:
To be a bridge between people,
And to carry out Your work.
Bless us this day, so that every encounter
becomes an encounter with You.
Heart speaks to Heart.
Lord Jesus Christ — Pray for us.
Saint John Henry Newman — Pray for us.
St. John Henry Newman, our patron, is a profound inspiration to us all. His words remind us of our calling and purpose: “Heart Speaks to Heart.” Guided by his teachings, we believe that each of us has been created to fulfill a distinct mission. Though we may not always see the path clearly, by allowing Heart to speak to Heart, God’s loving plan for each of us will be revealed.