The ‘Board of Directors is the College’s accountable body. It is responsible for the conduct of he College, for promoting high standards and for the fostering and preservation of its Catholic ethos. The Board of Directors aims to ensure that children attend an effective school which provides them with a good education and supports their well being.

Name Type (Director) Appointing body End of office
Mrs Kate Clarke PRINCIPAL N/A
Mr Gerrard Dufficy (Chair) FOUNDATION Diocese 31.12.2027
Mr Felix Kupay (Vice Chair) FOUNDATION Diocese 31.12.2027
Mr Cieran Flaherty FOUNDATION Diocese 31.12.2027




Wed 17-Jan-24 4pm John Henry Newman Catholic College Board (Set Up Mtg)
Wed 06-Mar 24 12.30pm John Henry Newman Catholic College Finance, Premises, Risk & Audit
Wed 13-Mar 24 3.30pm John Henry Newman Catholic College Board
Wed 26-Jun 24 12.30pm John Henry Newman Catholic College Finance, Premises, Risk & Audit
Wed 03-Jul 24 3.20pm John Henry Newman Catholic College AGM
Wed 03-Jul 24 3.30pm John Henry Newman Catholic College Board