Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing
At John Henry Newman Catholic College, we are dedicated to promoting positive mental health and wellbeing for everyone in our school community.
We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. Our mental health influences how we feel inside and how we relate emotionally. It encompasses social, psychological, and emotional wellbeing, and it strongly impacts our daily lives—how we feel and our ability to do the things we need and want to, such as work, study, interact with others, and take care of ourselves and others.
Whatever you’re feeling, know that it’s completely normal. You can seek support from any member of the wellbeing team in person or by emailing You can also log how you’re feeling via Class Charts and on the student dashboard, and a member of the wellbeing team will check in with you.
From the autumn half-term until the end of the academic year, we offer Wellbeing Drop-ins at the Heart Centre every Wednesday after school, supported by our Wellbeing Ambassadors in the Sixth Form.

Each key stage has access to a Wellbeing Google Classroom, which is used to share resources and provide information about mental health and wellbeing. This resource is available year-round and can be referred to at any time.
We promote positive wellbeing and discuss mental health throughout the year, particularly during events such as World Mental Health Day (October), Children’s Mental Health Week (February), and Mental Health Awareness Week (May). As part of these events, we deliver year group assemblies and hold lunchtime stands with activities to help students get involved and learn how to care for to check on students’ wellbeing, using the results to signpost them to appropriate support services.
Contacts for Students:
- Kooth
Free online counselling and support 24/7 - Childline
Free online counselling support - Young Minds
Information and advice on mental health - The Mix
Free, short-term online counselling for young people aged 25 or under, with additional advice on mental health and wellbeing. - Papyrus Hopeline
If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for someone who might be, contact HOPELINEUK for confidential support and practical advice.
Call: 0800 068 4141
Text: 88247
Email: - Shout
24/7 mental health support
Text: 85258
Contacts for Parents:
- Young Minds
Information and advice on how to support your child with mental health. - Mind
General information on all areas of mental health. - Anna Freud
Advice and guidance for parents and carers to help them support a child or young person experiencing poor mental health.
Condition-Specific Contacts:
- Anxiety UK
Self-help group and support to access therapy. - Bipolar UK
Online peer support groups and regional support groups.
http://www.bipolar eating disorders.